The Subpage Manager has a variety of uses, and its application on your site will be unique to you site’s design. Generally, it houses pages that contain other pages within a section.
To manage these pages, click “Manage Subpages” in the left column.
Subpages can be ordered via drag-and-drop. They can also be marked as active or inactive. Only active subpages will display on the front end.
To edit an existing subpage, click the pencil icon in the far right column.
To delete a subpage, click the garbage can icon in the far right column.
To add a new subpage, click “Create Subpage” in the left column. There are three tabs of content used to create your new subpage. First is the GENERAL tab.
Check the “Active” box to ensure your subpage will appear on the front end.
Give your subpage a title.
Upload an image for your subpage, if applicable.
Then click SAVE. You must SAVE to create the subpage before you can move on to the second tab, DETAILS.
Under the DETAILS tab, you can type in content for your subpage.
The third tab is SOCIAL META. We recommend leaving this tab as-is unless you have specific requirements for social marketing. Our basecode will automatically apply dynamic social meta information for page indexing.